Bill Burrows completes the fine tuning and installation of a special mahogany plank for sailboat Eleanor


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Installation of Mahogany Plank for Eleanor

Jada Kitson
June 29, 2017

HUDSON — Volunteers working to restore historic sailboat Eleanor completed the installation of the first of four garboard strakes on June 8. The four garboard planks run parallel to the keel of Eleanor and are the back bone of the hull of Eleanor. In total four garboards will be installed on either side of the keel from bow to stern. Each garboard plank is approximately 16 plus feet long and is cut and carved individually. The lumber used for the planks is an African mahogany which is more flexible and easier to work with than other mahoganies. The installation of the first garboard is another milestone in the restoration of the 1903 gaff rigged sloop designed by Clinton Crane and sailed on the Hudson River from 1903 until 2001. To understand the restoration process and to see first hand the work that is being undertaken, the public is invited to the second open site 10-11:30 a.m. July 1 at 99 South Third St., Hudson. Enter at door 19 on the west side of the Hudson Riverfront Industrial Park building. Coffee and muffins will be served. For information about the Hudson River Historic Boat Inc. and becoming a member, visit or email For information about the events, call 518-828-7884.