Preparing the Eleanor for Enjoyable and Safe Voyages


There are still some items on our list.
You may purchase the items or earmark your dollar donation towards items of your choice.


For drop off location or for specific requirements,
call 518 828 7884 or email


US Coast Guard Required
PFD-s one per person; 8 adult 2 child 1 infant
Lantern –white light / lantern reflector and fuel
Running lights – starboard and port and fuel
Pyrotechnic Signals: 3 day/night

Navigation and Maintenance
Boat maintenance and operation
Electric bilge pump
Boat hook
4 paddles
4 Pushing poles 10 ft.
Tool kit: nuts, bolts, and scissors
Sail repair kit

1 storm anchor
Lines; bow, stern, spring
Sail stops
Sail covers
Cockpit cover

Crew Comfort
Portable stove and fuel
Small cooking set
Garbage bags
MSD (toilet) and chemicals
Line gloves
Drink holders
