This is a copy of a press release which was printed in the Columbia Paper, February 21, 2019, in a slightly different version.
Members and guests of the Hudson River Historic Boat Restoration & Sailing Society gathered on February 7 for the Ninth Annual Reunion and Meeting. The business meeting was pre-empted with lively conversation and a variety of appetizers and entrees provided by those in attendance. At 7 p.m. President, Louise Bliss called the meeting to order with the Pledge of Allegiance to the Flag. As required in the by- laws of the organization Bliss read the mission statement: to return sailboat Eleanor to a state of utility while preserving the features of the historic vessel that are significant to her history and use. Eleanor is for the public’s enjoyment and education; to learn how to sail while developing a relationship with the Hudson River by gaining a deeper appreciation of its history, a keen awareness of nature’s unstopable forces and the river’s environment. And, of course a love for sailing. For all the reasons why the Hudson River was designated as a National Heritage River, the project is for the benefit of the general public of all ages.
Bliss welcomed board members and officers who were present: Phyllis Beals, Michael Agiar, Dennis Pitts, Joseph Kenneally, Richard Aldrich, Kathy Torchia, Jo August HIlls and Donald Hegeman. Stephanie Fischer, Hudson River Maritime Boat School Co-ordinator was introduced as a guest who spoke about the boat school opportunities which will take place during the spring and summer months in Kingston. Bliss acknowledged the sailboat Eleanor restoration long time volunteers: Bill Burrows, Louise Bliss, and Joe Kenneally beginning their eighth year. Bob Adriance and Don Hegeman beginning their fifth year. Clarke Olsen and Dennis Pitts beginning their third year. Sylvia Shablovsky, a new crew member began in September 2018. Working primarily on Thursday night, the volunteers this year contributed 659 volunteer hours.
Julie Veronezi, Boating Safety Educator displayed a poster with a list of important items which must be on board before Eleanor leaves the dock for a sail. The list is available on the website: www.hudsonriverhistoricboat.
Phyllis Beals and Veronezi called the charter members in good standing forward to receive a hand crafted souvenir of a Chip off Eleanor from 1903. Those members to date are: Alan Hamilton and Lisa Durfee, Marcus Dolan, Robert and Ginger Bliss, Richard Aldrich, Phil Hoyt, Joseph Kenneally, Kathy and Michael Torchia, Phyllis Beals, Julia Veronezi, Malcolm David Bliss, Chris and Jenny Post, Anne Terwilliger, Beth Neville, Louise Bliss, Naomi Neville, Doug Cropper, Jo August Hills, Isabel Livingston, Pete Tenerowicz, Bill Burrows, Elizabeth Katsivelos, Mike Aguiar, Ellie Close Michael and Kathy Bucholsky, Richard and P-L Shroeppel, Richard and Elizabeth Livingston.
Doug Cropper presented the following information for the New York State Safety Boating Course. The course will be held on March 9 and March 10 from noon to 4 p.m. at the Philmont Community Center at 14 Lake Drive in Philmont. Pre-register by March 2nd. to reserve your place as seating is limited to twenty. Call Cropper at 518 672 4531. The course sponsored by the Hudson River Historic Boat Society and the Philmont Rod and Gun Club is free.
Allowing for unforeseen circumstances, Bliss reported that Eleanor will be transported from Hudson to Riverview Marine by the Anderson Boat Transport in June for relaunch at the marina by Mike Aguiar. Pending the completion of the rigging process, the new mast will be stepped by Aguiar. Eleanor’s summer dock, owned by Hop O Nose and rented by the society, will be in the Catskill Creek. Due to a longer process than originally understood by Bliss to measure the rig by Doyle Sails, to submit the sail order and to then have the sails tweeked for perfection, the July 4th. date for a sail to the Hudson City docks has unavoidably been postponed until all is ship shape with Eleanor and her sails. Bliss stated the need for people who have any experience with traditional rigging of a sailboat. Rigging Eleanor is another very important step in the completion of her restoration. Help is also always needed to complete final work. Email: eleanorrestorationproject@
Dennis Pitts spoke about the longer vision plans and purposes for Eleanor and made the following announcement. Roseanne Cash has graciously offered to be the guest artist at the Society’s Gala Fundraiser event to be held at Club Helsinki on May 4. . More information about this event will be forthcoming in March. Save the date now.
Bliss, thanked the Hudson Power Boat Club for their hospitality. The meeting was adjourned at 8:05 p.m.